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Showing posts from April, 2012

i'm happy alhamdulillah

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The reason to be happy ♥

"It isn't what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.", ♥ Dale Carnegie "Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself in your way of thinking.",♥ Marcus Aurelius "A happy life consists in tranquility of mind.",♥ Cicero "To be happy, we must not be too concerned with others.",♥ Albert Camus "Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.",♥ Anne Frank Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.2

Tips Memilih Nama Blog

1. Harus Menggambarkan Blog Anda. Besar kemungkinan bahwa banyak orang akan melihat Alamat ke blog Anda sebelum memiliki keputusan untuk benar-benar membacanya (di search engine melalui proses pencarian, misalnya). Coba tebak, jika hanya dengan melihat nama alamat blog Anda, dan mereka dapat langsung mengetahui apa tema blog Anda, maka mereka akan lebih cenderung untuk mengunjunginya kembali blog Anda. 2. Harus Mudah Diingat Misalkan blog anda berbicara tentang olah raga, futsal, dan sepak bola secara umum. Penamaan itu "Blog Olah raga, Seluk beluk Futsal dan Dunia Sepak Bola" akan menawarkan dengan uraian yang lengkap dari blog Anda, dan Anda akan mendapatkan cakupan alamat blog yang lebih fokus lagi. Tentu juga mudah yang diingat. Misalnya Kita pilih dengan nama sederhana, yaitu duniabola. Sekali lagi ini hanya suatu gambaran yang dibuat untuk mempermudah Anda. 3. Harus Sama Dengan Nama Domain Ini adalah suatu prospek kedepan dalam jangka yang panja...

cappucino ..

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Cara Rem sepeda Fixie

Tips Cara Rem Sepeda fixie : 1. Pilih tempat luas yang aman untuk berlatih pengereman fixie, usakan permukaan halus dan bebas dari lalulalang kendaraan. 2. Pastikan pergunakan helm sepeda saat mengendarai sepeda fixie kamu, karena ada kemungkinan jatuh saat berlatih pengeraman fixie. 3. Usahakan memiliki pedal sepeda fixie anda bertali, atau pedal clipless agar pijakan tidak mudah lepas. 4. Mulailah dengan kecepatan rendah, pijakan kaki kamu dengan sempurna pada pedal clipless. 5. Jika kamu siap berhenti atau melakukan pengereman fixie, geser sedikit berat badan kamu kebagian depan, sembari mendorong pedal fixie kamu kearah berlawanan. Tetap jaga keseimbangan, jika ingin bergerak maju, kembalikan posisi badan dan arahkan pedal sepeda fixie kamu kedepan. 6. Ulangi maneuver pengereman fixie diatas berulangkali sampai mahir. Perlu kamu ketahui, semakin jauh kamu mencondongkan tubuh kedepan, maka semakin cepat sepeda fixie kamu berhenti. sumber: fixiekita1.blogspot.c...

just really wanna have this one

i hope i can find this fixie in my town with a cheap price.. amin:) cant wait to drive it.. Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.2

Your style.. your way

"Beauty is not about looking like everybody else but about being different from everybody else" You can follow this quote, and I hope you will found the different of you, but we still have an idol, the motivation figure for us.. Be your self, because you wonderful the way you are.. event you like your friend sytle, you can follow her style..but in your own way.. I have many friends that always follow my style, easy example to wearing hijab.. I love to be me, and Im happy when I see my friend wearing hijab like me too and said .. "I follow your hijab style, I looked at your blog, look i am beautiful like you rany " Or " hey, how to use hijab like this, could you make some tutorial for me ? " Or " how come you use like this rany, you are a deconstructive girl in the campus you know" Or " rany, we invite you to our party, we will happy if you please to joint us, and there you can make some tutorial about how to w...

Gowes = cycling

Love nature, love cycling, in indonesian slank, cycling means (gowes), gowes is really famous now, everybody gowes to refreshing her mind or just playing around to make body healthy.. And they make a comunity, like fixie aceh, or etc. so in the morning or evening, there many people are cycling on the street.. I really love pink fixie bicycle, I wish I had, but my own bike is just a folding bike .. But its not make me feel down.. Haha because my bike is really antique, when I went gowes, everybody will look at me and my bike.. Haha wonderful.. I will post the picture about it next time.. Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.2

Becoming and announcer

Becoming an announcer? Heumm.. Really a good experience and good job to do, yah, I apply my cv to a radio in my town, and they accept me, waw.. I am on the top three of 38 applicants, its Awesome.. Really cant wait to speak up in front of the mic, mixer and computer, everybody can hear my voice, and you can request a track and I will play them for you, I can tell you every information, tips and talk show.. Oh waw cihuuuyyy....i am so glad you know... The radios name is Nikoya 106 fm banda aceh real radio.. And it the one of the most popular radio in my town, I really proud of this.. I hope it can be some experience that will bring me to the big world of entertainment.. wuuw Wait my next story about this yah buddy . Wish me luck, and quick to finished the one month training..haha,( feel bored on training) sssht... Dont say it to the big boss.. Haha lol Congratulations :) alhamdulillah .. Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.2

Good bye my student ambassador 2011

A year has passed, time goes so fast, and now it is 2012, so I had to throw away my title as a student ambassador for 2011. I feel very happy because we found a new generation to make my province feel good, I hope the new ambassador will win the competition in Jakarta on June, as an ambassador for 2011 We will support them as much as im supporting myself when I go there. Congratulations for a student ambassador 2012, we believe you can do your best and hopefully you can run your job as a ambassador . Good bye for my title, I love you so much, Ill never forget this experience, very awesome thing !! Keep spiriitt !!!