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Showing posts from August, 2016

New Idea !! Be a Fashion Designer ?

That thing is always runing on my mind, feel like i wanna be a fashion designer??? haha, sooo happy and cant wait to start this!!! So, I start to browse a new design, new trend and everything about new look and new mode.. I search it on google, instagram, vlog, youtube, pinterest aandd may more.. In my note, i have collect all about this, where i have to buy a material, where i have to sew it and etc.. Buutt.....the next problem is how to make it come true..? This idea come when i am in my busy day, a few days to i thing i have to postpone about this. ........emmm emm....... but, i cant bear it.. i really courious about this..haha, so i call the sewing course and i ask everything about the courses. All the information about the custum courses have noted.. The little big proboem iss.......does my husband agree with my plan?? haha...i try to ask him and explain my plan, in order he would understand what i want..andd.....the answer iss....Emm....yah, he agree and...

Hah?Agustus !!

Serius deh, perasaan baru kemaren ngepost tentang bulan juli, eh sekarang udah masuk bulan agustus ajah.. kehidupan sehari hari yang ku nikmati ini membuat ga terasa waktu deh..hehe Okey, bulan baru berarti semangat baru ya. Bukan krna bulan agustus bulan kemerdekaan jadi kita harus semangat loh..tapi ya berusaha menjadi lebih baik dari bulan sebelumnya. Target yang mau di capai untuk bulan ini kurang lebih masih sama dengan bulan bulan lalu..krna ya belum tercapai capai targetnya hihi, ya allah semoga bisa tercapai kali ini, aminn.... Oh iya, bulan ini juga InsyaAllah jadi bulan yang seru bareng suami abang ngajakin jalan-jalan lagi., yeye..senang deh, plus ga sabar juga.. Semoga segalanya berjalan lancar, berhasil dan berkah..aminn... Selamat berbulan Agustus yaa . . Cheeriiooo. . .