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Showing posts from November, 2016

My Novaryanti Day

Happy birthday to me.. Yeay.. Happy turning to 24.,Alhamdulillah..what a mature age.. This is the first year of my birthday being a wife :) Many different things happened.. Thanks my husband for kiss my forehead at 00.00 today..what a romantic, my the first person who greet me, Happy Birthday sayang :) Syukur Alhamdulillah..i hope, i can make all my dream and my resolution come true in this age.. Aminn.... Thanks so much also for my parents, family, and my bestfriends :) I love you...

Shimmer On Lip

Akhir-akhir ini lagi hobby pakai shimmer setelah pake lipstik.. Shimmer yang rani pakai dari produk The Body Shop.. Sukaaaaaaaaa bgt sama hasilnyaaaa... Hasil yang kita dapat bakalan terkesan nude, dan wajah kita terlihat fresh.. Cobaainn dehhh.. Love ❤

Do it, Love it, Get it !!!

As we know the proverb " Tak Kenal Maka Tak Sayang" is very common around us. Many people tend to say this when he meeting with new people. In my opinion, that is true!! Yup..why?well, i will explain it to you in the next paragraph. I reflect it to my recent activity. Yaa..i am learning IELTS for preparing my master. when we look at one question and we do not understand what is the answer..maybe we need to know more about that, like i said..tak kenal maka tak sayang. Thats why now, i have big passion to i want to know much, i want to know everything about english language. Until i love it and i can answer with pleasure heart everything about it.. hihii So, if you want to get something, please take a good focus on what you want to will come true. Amin.. I have one sentence that also reflect about what i am doing right now.. "Ala bisa karena biasa" is totally true..for example, i try to drive manual car...

REVIEW - Wardah Exclusive Lip Cream 03

Hi beauty lover.. Let me Introduce my daily lipstick for now. Taraaaa~ Well, I am using Matte Lip Cream from Wardah. The 03 Nude shade with a little impression of pink. I know this product from Beauty blogger and wardah ambassadors on Instagram. I really curious to buy this lipcream, i search it in wardah counter and cosmetics store, and unfortunately, there are out of stock, just red shade left!! pity i am..i dont like the red shade, cz it looks so mature on me. I waited for this lipcream for 2 Month until i got this in August 2016. Horray!!! Okey, i fall in love with this since the first sight!!! When i saw the shape!! the shape just look like Colourpop lipstik. so elegant, look like expensive product, and so easy to apply. This lipcream made by transparent plastic and grey light on the top.. slightly look like a glass and metal. When i apply it to my lip, it feel a little heavy..i dont know why, i didnt search for it, cz not make any big problem for me.the...

Body Mist, Warm Vanilla Sugar - Bath and Body Works

Welcome my new fragrance!! Ulaaaa Laaa...... I have been looking about new scent for one week while my White musk body mist from The Body Shop running out little by little. I did a mini research about body mist, there were three different products, such as.. 1. The body shop (Repurchase my last scent) Honestly, i wanna repurchase it, cuz i love the smell so much and i feel comfortable with the smell, i use this body mist since January until November, so i spent just one bottle for about 11 month..Whoaw..So economical right? but in fact, i use it lavishly. as we know, Body mist is not durable in our body, and i used to spritz it again after 2 hours to make my body fresh. But, because i wanna try new fragrance with new smell, then i choose to find other brand.. *I still love u White Musk* 2. Victoria Secret Soo Curious about this brand soo much. it's a famous brand which every girl want!! VS product have many smell in variety, such as fruit and floral. the smell is very ni...

Memilih Produk Skin Care untuk Pemula

Memutuskan untuk memilih sebuah produk perawatan wajah itu bukan hal yang mudah ya ternyata..Yups, bener banget!!! Aku yang sebelumnya ga pernah pake perawatan atau krim sana sini, jelas bingungg banget untuk memilih sebuah produk yang akan di gunakan terus menerus setiap hari. Kali ini aku akan share beberapa jenis produk yang masuk kedalam list bakal calon skin care ku..hehe *uda kayak pemilu ajah* here we goooo~ 1. Natasha Skin Care Brand Natasha ini ada di daerah ku (Banda Aceh), dan sudah cukup terkenal di kalangan skin care, banyak temen-temen ku yang pake ini nih. lanjut lah aku survey tanya sana sini gimana perasaan n hasil setelah pake nya. Jawaban dari mereka semuanya bagus dan hasil wajahnya juga kincloongg karena rutin facial juga. Rata-rata penggunaan krimnya ini habis dalam sebulan, lalu mereka harus repurchase lagi dan konsul lagi ke beauty consultant di Natsha nya. Jenis produk yang dipakai tergantung permasalahan di kulit masing2 kita. Tapi basic nya ada krim ...

Riwayat Skin Care dan Jenis Kulit

Hallo..aku tau nih, kamu pasti lagi bingung mau memilih produk skin care untuk kulitmu..ya kan? hihi.. Iya, saya sudah pernah merasakan saat-saat bingung dan dilema dalam memilih produk perawatan wajah atau skin care.. Aku kenalin deh sama kulit ku..kulit aku tipe nya cenderung kering, Oily at T zone, ga terlalu masalah dengan jerawat (Alhamdulillah), tp muncul jerawat saat period aja, dan suka merah di pipi kalau kena panas. Oke, sudah kenal berarti sudah sayang..mari kita lanjut.. Riwayat penggunaan skin care ku.. Dulu mulai centil make skin care pas SMA dan awal kuliah, dan saat itu cuma pake pelembab aja.. Beli dari drug store macem2 sih cuma pake pelembab ajah.. 1. Ponds Hasil pake pelembab ini di kulitku, adalah muka jadi meraah kayak udang..lalu, aku stop. Lalu beralih ke, 2. Garnier Seingat aku..Pake Garnier ini enak, ringan di kulit, dan ga bikin masalah di wajah. tapi aku lupa nih kenapa kok ga lanjut pake garnier ini..tiba-tiba uda pake, 3. Wardah ...

Lovember ❤

Welcome my birthday sweet momment every favorite month..aahh, i love everything about you... InsyaAllah in this year 2016, i am turning 24..Masya Allah i feel old right now..i mean..not a child anymore, but i still a baby for my parent..hihii.. Hope this month is better than last month.. full of love and happy thing..